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Vulnerability Management

Import and manage your cybersecurity vulnerabilities, link directly to your information assets and associate risks and issues for remediation.


The Benefits

Easily manage your cybersecurity program by importing and linking vulnerabilities to information assets and associating risks and issues.

Integrate technical assurance and GRC

Automatically integrate scan data from Qualys, Nessus and any other vulnerability scanning tool.

Enhance overall IT risk management

Develop a refined risk-based understanding of technical vulnerability with automated ingestion of scan data from Qualys, Nessus and any other vulnerability scanning tool.

Prioritize vulnerability remediation

Take a risk-based approach to vulnerability management aligned with your overall risk-management framework.

6clicks consolidates and automates your vulnerability assessment and management processes.

Powerful features to support your growth

The 6clicks Vulnerability module is where vulnerabilities and GRC collide. Ingest your vulnerability scans from tools like Nessus and Qualys, import and link to assets in the 6clicks asset register, classify and prioritize vulnerabilities and link to risks and issues for remediation.
Hero Vulnerability Management
Ingest and prioritize your vulnerabilities | Vulnerability Management

Ingest and prioritize your vulnerabilities

Import your vulnerability scans into 6clicks, then categorize, prioritize and remediate vulnerabilities.

Cross-platform linkage | Vulnerability Management

Cross-platform linkage

Link imported assets to assets on the 6clicks asset register and link vulnerabilities to issues, incidents or risks for remediation.

Nessus & Qualys integration | Vulnerability Management

Nessus & Qualys integration

Ingest scans directly from Nessus and Qualys and select the data relevant to you.

Custom mappings | Vulnerability Management

Custom mappings

Ingest vulnerability scans from any scanning tool and map data to default or custom vulnerability fields within 6clicks.

Why businesses and advisors choose 6clicks

It's faster, easier and more cost effective than any alternative.


Powered by artificial intelligence

Experience the magic of Hailey, our artificial intelligence engine for risk and compliance.


Unique Hub & Spoke architecture

Deploy multiple teams all connected to a hub - perfect for federated, multi-team structures.


Fully integrated content library

Access 100's of standards, control sets, assessment templates, libraries and playbooks.

Intelligently accelerate your cyber risk and compliance program today


Stop wasting time with complicated pricing, longwinded consulting efforts and outdated technology.




SourceForge Top Performer
Top 100 Innovators
Capterra review
CRN Top 100